Guidelines for Authors

Abstract submissions guidelines:

The abstract should summarize the substantive results of the work and not merely list topics to be discussed, and it should include the followings:

  • The title of the presentation
  • The genre of the presentation (poster presentation, traditional oral presentation)
  • The name(s) of the author(s), their e-mail address
  • The abstract (1000-3000 characters, including spaces) should be organized into coherent paragraphs. The abstract should contain the following: the goal of the research, as well as its aspects, methods, most important findings, and its theoretical and practical relevance.

When uploading the abstract, presenters must upload a short (maximum 800 characters) CV and photo. All this will appear in the program booklet.

Full papers submission guidelines:

The full paper (max 15 000 characters, including spaces) should be organized into coherent paragraphs. Full papers should contain the following:

  • The name(s) of author(s)
  • The place of work
  • The author(s)’s e-mail address
  • The title of the presentation

We kindly ask you to download and use this template.

Manuscript template.

If your full paper is accepted, the camera ready full paper should be uploaded to easyChair not later than 30th of September, 2023.

Symposium submissions guidelines:

Abstracts submitted as part of the symposium must meet the same format and quality requirements as abstracts of full papers.

The chair of the symposium should upload the CV (maximum 800 characters), a photograph of the chair of the symposium and the abstracts of the papers and name the requested opponent.

If symposium papers are accepted, the camera ready full paper should be uploaded to easyChair not later than 30th of September, 2023, by the chair of the symposium.

All participants of the symposium must register on the website (

The process of uploading:

Click on the magnifying glass on the right side of the abstract submitted to the conference (View)

In the menu on the right, choose “Update information”

Add file in the right menu and you are done.

Please do not make changes to the abstract data after August 10, 2023. Thank You!